
Students Win National Championship at Access Broadway Competition

July 11, 2024

Town Square Playhouse (TSP) is thrilled to announce that their students have made history at this year's Access Broadway National competition, held in Sevierville, TN from July 1st to July 8th. The Encore team, comprising young performers aged 13 and above, emerged victorious, winning the prestigious and coveted Broadway Star trophy for the best group performance.

This remarkable achievement is a testament to the exceptional talent, dedication, and hard work of TSP's students, as well as the world-class training they receive from experienced instructors like Owner/Artistic Director Fracena Byrd and Musical Theater Competition Teams instructor Alison Graham. Byrd and Graham are proud of their students' accomplishment and believe it will open doors for these young performers in the entertainment industry.

"We are over the moon with pride for our students and their outstanding performance," said Byrd. "Winning the Broadway Star trophy is a monumental achievement that demonstrates the caliber of talent we nurture at Town Square Playhouse. We couldn't be more thrilled for our students and their bright futures."

Graham added, "Our students have worked tirelessly to perfect their craft, and this award is a validation of their hard work and commitment. We are honored to be part of their journey and look forward to seeing the incredible things they will accomplish in the years to come."

The Encore team members who made this achievement possible are Madisyn Phillips, Chris Scott, Jai'Nye Beauford, Kate Ficke, Jordyn Trammel, Evelyn Yurgionas, and Gracyn Thompson.

In addition to the Encore team's success, the younger Show Stoppers team also made impressive strides at the competition. They earned a High Gold award for their group number and had performers placing as high as fifth in the nation for their solo pieces.

In addition to their success at the Access Broadway National competition, Town Square Playhouse offers a range of programs and classes to nurture young talent, including project-based musical theatre education, dance classes, and private voice and acting lessons. Auditions for the 2024-25 competition seasons will be held in August, and interested students and their families are encouraged to contact TSP for more information.