Enjoy our two month-long display of nature at its finest! Each September & October, marvel at the Blue Morpho as hundreds of these tropical butterflies fill the Day Butterfly Center with their iridescent-blue splendor. Visitors to the Day Butterfly Center will witness one of the largest display of Blue Morpho Butterflies on the planet during September & October!
Celebrate butterflies, caterpillars and all things crawly at our The Annual Butterfly Festival on Saturday 9/28 and Sunday, 9/29 at Callaway Resort & Gardens! With crafts, games and activities for children of all ages (and kids at heart), the Cecil B. Day Tropical Butterfly Conservatory will be the hub of happenings all weekend long. Adventure out on an scavenger hunt, but above all slow down to take in the magic of the conservatory and Callaway Gardens’ “flying flowers”.
For more information, check out Callaway Gardens website.