
50 Indoor Boredom Busters

January 8, 2025

When it gets too cold or rainy outside, it's always good to have a backup plan.  Print out these ideas to keep handy, or cut each idea out, fold and place in a jar.  Another option is to write each idea on popsicle sticks and the next time it's too cold or rainy, just randomly choose an idea.

Alphabetize books

Badminton with a Balloon. Tape popsicle sticks to a paper plate and blow up a balloon.

Bake cookies

(Make a) Bean Bracelet

(Make a) Bird feeder

Bowling - Place ten white cups in a triangle shape and roll the ball to knock them over.

Build a fort out of sheets, blankets or towels

Build with LEGOS and blocks

Clean your room

Color a coloring page. Print one from the Internet if you don't have a coloring book.

Count birds

Create a music band with pots, and wood, metal and plastic spoons.

Dance to your favorite music and show your moves!

Decorate a shoebox to make into a dollhouse

Decorate a large box and have your young child sit in it, pretend like they are driving, as you push them around the house.

Draw a self portrait

Experiment with Science

Find five toys to give away

(Make a) Healthy snack

(Play) Hide and seek. We love to play it with our dogs!

Indoor Garden. Start with green onions from the grocery store. Use the greens in a meal and place the white part in water. Each day measure how much they've grown!

(Make a) List of something in the house/yard that starts with each letter of the alphabet

(Learn a) Magic trick

(Make) Maps or “treasure hunts” to nearby places

Paint Pet rocks

(Make a) Paper airplane

(Create a) Paper laser maze - tape crepe paper across the hallway in different angles.

(Make a) Paper plate mask

(Plan a) Party for your family

Play 20 questions

Play a board game

(Make) Play Dough

Pretend you are a pirate or a superhero

(Put on a )Puppet Show


Reading Challenge

Recycle broken crayons and re-melt in silicon molds

(Have a) Tea party and read poetry

Teach kids how to do laundry 

Teach the dog tricks

Tell jokes, lookup new jokes 

(Take a) Virtual Field Trip

Watch a movie & make popcorn

Write a note to a friend

Write a poem or story, then illustrate it

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