Like it or not, we are part of living history that will be talked about for generations to come. Upcoming generations will want to know what it was like. How did we manage when all the schools closed? What did we do when everything, including egg hunts, was cancelled? How did kids keep in touch or celebrate birthdays while we were quarantined?
Teachers have recommended that our kids keep a journal to record their experiences, thoughts, and feelings. That way they will have a concrete reference that they can share with their kids and grandkids years from now. If your kids are anything like my kids, writing doesn’t come easily. So, to help get started, we’ve created a Quarantine Journal with writing prompts and coloring pages. Click here to download the journal.
Parents of younger children can help by asking their kids the questions and filling out the writing prompts for each child. The goal is to create a record that can be safely stored for the future and have fun doing it.